Northern Illinois' oldest working
Roman Catholic Church!
We are the oldest working church in northern Illinois, and your support makes it possible for us to support the upkeep and beautification of the church and grounds while also providing religious education and adult formation programs that are faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Sign up to become a parishioner through our contact form and give through our weekly envelope system or make contributions Online through GiveCentral. Through GiveCentral, you can set up your recurring weekly "envelope" donation or main recurring gifts to our maintenance fund.
Please make checks payble to "St James at Sag Bridge"
You may also mail any donations to us at:
St. James at Sag Bridge
10600 Archer Ave.
Lemont, IL 60439
Thank you for your support!
The "Sag Bridge Mission Society" is a separate 501(c)3 organization. For information email [email protected]
Thank you to all you pledged and donated to our parish improvement projects!
If you have any questions about your To Teach Who Christ Is pledge, please call the campaign fulfillment office at: (312) 534-8500.
To sign up for online electronic giving or to manage your ongoing pledge fulfillment, click here.