Even if a person doesn't approve of the gay lifestyle, it is often said, just leave them alone. Let them live their lives as they want, let me live my life as I want. But we must distinguish between the spirit of "Let us alone" that helped establish the American Republic and the attitude of lazy, irresponsible, addicted people when they say, "Let us alone".
The reason it is unwise to just "let them alone" is because there is a great danger to society in general if the moral principle which supports the praise of homosexuality is allowed to establish itself. The major moral principle that supports homosexuality is the denial of any sense of "telos" in nature. Once the sense that sexual activity has an end or a purpose is denied, then none of nature has an end or purpose. Once nature has no purpose, it is foolish to study it, it is foolish to do science. Once nature has been stripped of this marvelous characteristic, each person is lead to believe that they can give whatever purpose to whatever action they want. This is the short path to tyranny.
So, compassion and "accompaniment" are certainly in order, when it comes to trying to help a person struggling with same sex attraction, but if the person has bought the silly idea that nature has no purpose, it will be impossible to accompany that person to a purposeful understanding of nature.
The celebrations of the "pride month of June" were not celebrations of the Prodigal son coming home to his father. No, make no mistake about it, these celebrations were like the Prodical son celebrating the fact that his father left his estate and joined his son out on the town to paint is red, or should we say paint it a rainbow of colors.