By the time this article is published, we should have a very good idea, or we will have already found out the Supreme Court’s decision in the Dobbs vs Jackson case. As people of faith, and as the wonderful motto of the parish indicates, “United in Faith”, we should all be united in the faith that the new “right to abortion” that the 1973 Roe v Wade decision established will be determined, as one wise Justice declared, to be a fabrication of “raw judicial power”. It is hard to understate the great damage the 1973 decision has brought upon our nation and the world.
At this writing, I can only pray the people of God and all people of good will, will welcome the opportunity to debate this issue once again. But we must pray for civil debates. We must pray for rational discussions and sympathetic arguments regarding what our nation as a whole and Illinois in particular should do. Unfortunately, since this issue touches each and every one of us on a deeply personal and emotional level, many people will react emotionally and passionately. For many, rational discussion will be impossible. For many, this “supposed right” is such a necessity in our modern world, with our modern life style choices, that even violence can be justified to express their disapproval of the Supreme Court’s decision, if the Supreme Court sides with Dobbs and not with Jackson. Of course this does not mean we cannot be emotionally and passionately dedicated for the cause of life, it’s just that those who believe the right to end life in the womb are much, much more likely to be the ones who may resort to violence. So, our prayers are needed to help the many people who are convinced that Roe v Wade was rightly decided to have a major radical change of heart.
We pray that true love and kindness win the day. And since I’m touching on this delicate subject, I must be true to a personal vow I made a long time ago. I told the Good Lord, that each time I preach about the right to life and the sin of destroying innocent human life, I would always include the message of Divine Mercy. Remember what Jesus said about Mary Magdalen. “Those who have been forgive much, love much.” So, hopefully, we will hear much discussion about “Roe” and during those discussions any and everyone who is personally burdened by this will quickly and humbly bring that wound to Jesus Christ and to the beautiful sacrament of Penance. Our Lord encourages anyone to feel His great love for you in the midst of our guilt, regrets, tears and shame. Our Lord waits for our contrite hearts. He wants to welcome everyone back into His peace but cannot forgive anyone who does not ask for forgiveness. Once we do, a new life is given us. It’s a life with a new mission. It’s a mission to make the world better by helping the world see where our laws have erred and the bright possibility of a world founded on God’s laws.